Please follow this check list as a guideline to present yourself to the Designated Pilot Examiner on your checkride.
Please make sure you instill confidence in your examiner on your ability to conduct this flight safely by applying FAR and ADM.
Your credentials
- Photocopy Drivers License / Government Photo ID
- Photocopy Medical
- Photocopy Student Pilot Certificate or Pilot License with Ratings
- Photocopy of Passport or Birth Certificate
- Photocopy of 8710
- PTS highlighted
- Hourly break down for the certificate sought-requirements met
- Logbook
- Completed training record book
- Enrollment and Graduation certificates (Part 141 students only)
- Endorsements tabbed
- Practical endorsement
- 60 day endorsement stating all 3 items
- Retest endorsement if needed
- Written test endorsement
- Pre-solo endorsement (Private only)
- Each cross country endorsement (Private only)
- Complex (Commercial)
- BFR if needed to act as PIC
- TSA endorsement
- Aero-medical questions for passengers addressing medications, illnesses, scuba diving
- PAVE model filled out
(Make sure that the Student Pilot Certificate date matches the logbook endorsement dates.)
Be prepared for questions concerning the Medical Certificate, limitations of the certificate being sought. and currency requirements for the Certificate sought.
Aircraft Documents
- Certificates and Documents (AROWE)
- Photo copy of Airworthiness certificate
- Photocopy of the Registration
- Photocopy of temporary Registration
- Operation and limitations of the aircraft
- Weight and Balance calculation
- Performance calculations
- Photocopy of the official empty weight for the aircraft
- Equipment list for the aircraft, 91.205 and MEL scenario outline
- Aircraft log books
- Annual
- 100 hour
- VOR test
- Altimeter, pitot static test
- Transponder test
- ELT inspection and battery
- ADs
Be prepared to answer questions on the inspections, who does them? Do all aircraft need these inspections? What are the ADs for this aircraft?
Flight Plan
- All printed weather for the route
- All weather charts printed for the route (Label)
- Weather log filled out completely
- NAV log filled out completely
- Current Sectional with route
- Current terminal with route
- Current low enroute Chart
- Current AFD with tabs on relevant pages
- Approach charts for takeoff, landing and alternate
- Information from about the alternate
- DPS STARS, Preferred Routes
- Duat or AOPA flight plan for instrument only (optional)